
HPRC Media Coverage

Contact us if you are interested in interviewing a subject matter expert or member, or have other questions about HPRC and our work.


How to Transform Healthcare Plastics Circularity
Plastics Engineering | June 28, 2024


HPRC Makes Strides Toward Advanced Recycling in Healthcare
Healthcare Packaging | May 15, 2024


6 Healthcare Package Recycling Updates
Healthcare Packaging | April 19, 2024


Full-circle solutions for sustainability in the healthcare industry
Medical Plastics News | September 11, 2023


Enabling a More Circular Future for Medtech Packaging
Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry | July 31, 2023


How Can We Make Healthcare Plastics More Recyclable?
Packaging Digest | July 17, 2023


Three Key Aspects When Designing Sustainable Healthcare Packaging
Medical Plastic News | March 3, 2023



B. Braun and Lehigh Valley Health Network Partner to Recycle Medical Plastics Material
Recycling Today | October 18, 2022


How Should US Health Care Lead Global Change in Plastic Waste Disposal?
American Medical Association Journal of Ethics | October 2022


Where Cyclyx, ExxonMobil, McKinsey and Casella See Chemical Recycling Going Next
WasteDive | September 30, 2022


Plastic Waste in Healthcare: Finding Solutions
MedicalExpo e-Magazine | July 18, 2022


5 Ways to Be an Environmental Steward in Your OR
AORN Safe Surgery Together | May 22, 2022


9 Sustainability Initiatives in Healthcare Packaging: Earth Day 2022
Healthcare Packaging | April 22, 2022


Sierra Magazine | March 22, 2022



How Do Recycled Materials Fit with Healthcare Packaging?
Healthcare Packaging | December 24, 2021


Advances in Recycling for Health Facilities
Health Facilities Management | August 27, 2021
Waste Not, Want Not
Medical Device Developments | June 9, 2021
Discarded PPE Filling Up Landfills and Oceans
CNN Project Planet | April 16, 2021


Identifying Recycling and Circularity Opportunities for Healthcare Plastics
Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry | December 31, 2020
Hospitals Under Pressure to “Do Something” about Plastics
Plastics News | May 18, 2020
First, Do No Harm
Boss Magazine | April 9, 2020
Ten Desirable Design Practices for Healthcare Plastics
Plastics Today | February 21, 2020
Investigating Wasted Opportunities in Medical Plastics Recycling
Plastics Today | February 20, 2020
Medical Attention
Plastics Recycling Update | February 17, 2020


How the Medical Device Industry Can Help Save the Planet – as Well as Patient Lives
NS Medical Devices | December 11, 2019
Sustainability in the Medical Space? It’s Complicated.
Plastics Today | October 8, 2019
Can Medical Care Exist Without Plastic?
National Geographic | October 4, 2019
A Look at the Re|focus Sustainability & Recycling Summit
Plastics Technology | May 28, 2019


Many Hands Make Light Work (page 130)
Medical Device Developments | May 2019


Study: Flexible Healthcare Packaging Materials Can Be Recycled
Healthcare Packaging | March 7, 2019
Do You Consider the Recyclability of Your Packaging?
Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry | February 25, 2019
Group Issues Roadmap to Health Care Plastics Recycling
Plastics Recycling Update | February 20, 2019
Hospital Takes Aim at Plastic Recycling
Healthcare Packaging | January 31, 2019


Recycling Council Studies Multi-material Flexible Plastics Recycling  (page 5)
Healthcare Environmental Solutions News | Summer 2018
China’s Choice Reshapes Recycling in Twin States​  (HFAB member event)
Valley News | August 8, 2018
Hospitals Seek Recycling Solutions for Medical Plastics
Health Facilities Management | June 6, 2018
How the Healthcare Industry is Addressing the Fast-Growing Medical Waste Problem
Waste 360 | May 17, 2018
US Initiative to Seek End Uses for Recycled Healthcare Plastics
Recycling International | April 4, 2018
Plastic Packaging Hospital Waste Recycling Initiative Kicks Off in the US
Environmental Leader | March 16, 2018
Can Healthcare Flexibles Be Diverted from Landfills?
Packaging Digest | March 12, 2018


Medical Plastics Recycling Debate Takes Center Stage at PLASTEC Minneapolis
Plastics Today | October 17, 2017
Recycling Medical Plastics Faces Economic Hurdles, Not to Mention the ‘Ick’ Factor
Plastics Today | August 10, 2017
Healthcare Plastics: Untapped Feedstock, Untapped Business Opportunity
Recycling Today | August 8, 2017
Nelipak Joins HPRC
Packaging Digest | July 25, 2017
Recycling of Medical PETG Packaging: Incorporation into Polyols Suitable for Polyurethane Coating Applications
Recycling Today | March 3, 2017


Healthcare Plastics Recycling Project Identifies Challenges, Opportunities
Plastics Today | February 6, 2016
Connecting Supply with Demand: An Experiment in Regional Recycling of Healthcare Plastics (print only)
Plastics Recycling | Winter 2017
The Circular Economy: 10 Innovative Business Solutions and How to Go Further (see page 10)
AmCham EU Circular Economy Brochure
Examining the Value of Healthcare Plastics Recycling
Packaging Digest | March 30, 2016


HPRC Targets Plastic Medical Scrap
Recycling Today | March 22, 2016


HPRC and Practice Greenhealth Present Key Results from Plastics Recycling Survey of U.S. Hospitals
3BL Media | March 20, 2015


Setting a Plastics Recycling Benchmark
Greenhealth Magazine | March 16, 2015


Plastic Recycling Guide for Hospitals Now Available for Continuing Education Credit
3BL Media | September 16, 2014


Exciting Healthcare Recycling Innovations
Plastic Packaging Perspectives | September 12, 2014


HPRC and Stanford Hospital & Clinics Conclude Clinical Recycling Pilot
3BL Media | January 9, 2014


Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council Develops Plastics Recycling Guide for Hospitals
3BL Media | April 24, 2013


Sustainable Committment
Health Facilities Management | January 2013


Medical Plastic Recycling Projects Expand
Recycling Today | November 29, 2012


HPRC Works to Improve the Recyclability of Plastic Products in Healthcare
Facility Care | June 2012


Healthcare Group to Push Plastic Recycling in Hospitals
Greenbiz | April 8, 2011
Latest Blogs

Recycling Healthcare Plastics: A Conversation with Peylina Chu and Erin Gately

Healthcare facilities generate a significant amount of plastic waste, posing a significant environmental challenge. To address this issue, effective recycling strategies are crucial. In this blog post, we delve into key insights from a fireside chat between Peylina Chu, Executive Director at HPRC and Erin Gately, Circular Economy Manager at Iron Mountain, HPRC member since 2022.

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